Seek First the Kingdom of God – Matthew 6:33

Barry Agnew, Jr.

God loves me. I know I don’t make it easy, but He loves me. He loves me so much that He gave me a life worth living. He not only saved me from the consequences of my own sin but He also showed me that I was created for a purpose. I was created for the purpose of bringing honor and glory to Him. Over the years God has given me a specific passion and calling to student ministry and missions.

I long to see God raise up a generation that will bring glory to Him like no other. I long to see this generation take the gospel both near and far. I long for a day when every tribe, tongue, and nation will gather around the throne of God and give Him the glory He is due.

This is the mission, and I will pursue it relentlessly until the job is done or King Jesus calls me home!

Philippians 3:10 That I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death.