Celebration of Communion, Matthew 26:26-30, July 26, 2009, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
Boomerang Express, 1 John 4:9, July 19, 2009, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
False Confidence, Philippians 3:1-6, July 12, 2009, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
The Truth Will Make You Free, John 8:31-36, July 5, 2009, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
Encouragement for Dad, Psalms 78:1-8, June 21, 2009, Rev. Blue Bryan
Epaphroditus, Philippians 2:25-30, June 14, 2009, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
Preach the Word!, 2 Timothy 4:1-5, June 7, 2009, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
Timothy, Philippians 2:19-24, May 31, 2009, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
The Success of Character, Genesis 39:1-23, May 17, 2009, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
A Mother’s Work, 2 Timothy 1:15, May 10, 2009, Dr. Barry Jimmerson