The Blessing of Joy, Philippians 1:3-11, March 8, 2009, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
The Blessing of Joy, Philippians 1:3-11, March 8, 2009, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
An Introduction to Philippians, Philippians 1:1-2, March 1, 2009, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
The Childhood of the Christ, Matthew 2:13-23, February 28, 2009, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
End Times Ministry, 1 Peter 4:7-11, February 15, 2009, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
Love Gives, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, February 8, 2009, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
Sharing the Hope, Acts 8:26-40, February 1, 2009, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
Celebration of Communion, Matthew 26:26-30, January 25, 2009, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
The Sanctity of Human Life, Job 33:4, January 18, 2009, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
Strength In Weakness, 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, January 11, 2009, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
The Worship Giver, Mark 12:41-44, January 4, 2009, Dr. Barry Jimmerson