Celebration of Communion, 1 Corinthians 11:23-33, September 29, 2013, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
Celebration of Communion, 1 Corinthians 11:23-33, September 29, 2013, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
The Great Commandments, Matthew 22:34-40, September 22, 2013, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
The Hope of the Resurrection, Matthew 22:23-33, September 15, 2013, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
Divided Allegiance, Matthew 22:15-22, September 8, 2013, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
Jesus Heals Ten Men with Leprosy, Luke 17:11-19, September 1, 2013, Rev. Richard Hendricks
The Marriage Feast, Matthew 22:1-14, August 25, 2013, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
The Vineyard, Matthew 21:33-46, August 18, 2013, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
Dead with Christ, Colossians 2:20-23, August 11, 2013, Dr. Blue Bryan
Two Sons, Matthew 21:28-32, August 4, 2013, Dr. Barry Jimmerson
Facing Fear, Trusting God, 2 Timothy 1:7, July 14, 2013, Dr. Barry Jimmerson